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The Do’s and Don’ts for Dialysis Patients

If you’re reading this, chances are you or a loved one has kidney disease and is doing everything they can to manage it. Dialysis is one type of treatment available to patients with kidney disease. Because dialysis is a time-consuming and lengthy treatment, the entire process can be overwhelming.

While many pieces of advice, precautions, and counseling are given to dialysis patients, most of the time, patients are unaware of how to deal with them. Four Seasons Healthcare Solutions shares the dos and don’ts of dialysis in this article to help patients cope and adapt to their new way of life.

Eight Do’s for Dialysis Patients

Watch your diet

You must follow a dialysis diet while undergoing dialysis treatment. Most dialysis centers in Brooklyn, NY, provide a dietician as part of their care team. The dietician will teach you which foods to avoid and which to eat in abundance. You may be advised to do the following:

  • Cut the salt: High sodium levels can raise your blood pressure and cause other issues, such as swelling in your eyes, fingers, or ankles.
  • Watch your protein intake: Reduce your protein intake if you have kidney disease to avoid a buildup of protein waste in your blood.
  • Monitor phosphorus: High phosphorus levels pull out calcium minerals from bones, making them weak.
  • Reduce potassium intake: High potassium levels in your blood can lead to serious health problems.

Actively participate in your treatment

Whether you choose home dialysis or to have the treatment done at a dialysis center Brooklyn, you must actively participate in your treatment plan. Participating fully in your treatment plans and learning everything you can about your condition and dialysis will enable you to make informed health decisions. Staying informed will also help you deal with your fear and anxiety about treatment.

To actively participate in your treatment, write down any questions you may have about your treatment in a notebook and bring them to your next appointment. Take notes on your phone or notebook to keep track of everything your doctors, nurses, nutritionists, and social workers tell you about your treatment. Involving family, friends, or those you live with can be extremely beneficial.

Stay active

Whether you opt for home dialysis or have it done at a dialysis center in Brooklyn, NY, staying active increases circulation and aids your body’s recovery. Exercise also improves your overall health and quality of life by combating fatigue and depression. Consult your healthcare provider about which exercises are appropriate for you and how much you should get.

Get enough sleep

A restful night’s sleep is necessary for good health, healing, and restoration. People with kidney disease should sleep seven or more hours per night for optimal health. If you are having difficulty sleeping due to dialysis, consult your doctor. Exercise may also assist you in getting enough quality sleep.

Track your mental health

It is common for dialysis patients to have mental health problems. As such, it is critical that you keep track of your mood on a regular basis. While it is natural to feel down from time to time, you must be able to differentiate between normal mood swings and the symptoms of depression. Among these symptoms are:

  • Mood changes
  • Sleep changes
  • Feelings of hopelessness,
  • Changes in appetite
  • Fatigue

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should seek professional help.

Make the most of your dialysis time

Dialysis treatments can take a long time. With each session lasting approximately 4 hours, making the most of that time is critical. Whether you are doing home dialysis or having it done at a dialysis center, you can use this time to respond to emails, watch your favorite show, listen to your favorite podcast or music, or do some work. This is also a good time to unwind, meditate, and center yourself.

Stick to your routine whenever possible

Dialysis treatment disrupts daily life. As a result, you must create a new one that incorporates this significant change in your life. Your new routine should be adaptable to the changes that come with dialysis. Remember to notify your employer and family about how your illness affects your schedule.

Seek support

Being on dialysis can have a negative impact on your mental and physical health. Having people to talk to and lean on when you feel overwhelmed, angry or depressed can prove helpful. Seek the help of a professional counselor or a dialysis support group if you are feeling depressed, isolated, or overwhelmed. Do not avoid discussing your emotions with your care team, so they understand your feelings.

Three Don’ts for Dialysis Patients

Ignoring your numbers

Dialysis patients must keep a close eye on their blood pressure and weight. They must also be interested in their lab results and try to understand what they mean rather than relying solely on their doctors to interpret everything.

Remember that your numbers are an important indicator of how your condition is progressing. They will notify you of any potential issues, allowing you to address them before they worsen your condition. It would be beneficial if you took responsibility for your health by asking pertinent health-related questions and encouraging dialogue with your healthcare team.

Forgetting to ask or tell

If you don’t bring a list of questions or concerns about your treatment or a spreadsheet with all your numbers to your appointments, you’re missing valuable information. When you participate actively in your treatment, you influence your healthcare team’s focus on each appointment, ensuring you receive the best possible care.

Waiting to get sicker

If you wait until you’re sick to commit to your treatment fully, you could be in for a rude awakening. It’s best if you don’t wait until you’ve reached rock bottom before doing something for yourself. Create a list of specialists to support your treatment journey alongside your healthcare team. This is the only way to ensure you have the best life possible.

Are you looking for a dialysis center in Brooklyn, New York?

Four Seasons Healthcare Solutions is a patient-centered dialysis center in Brooklyn, NY. We provide comprehensive dialysis care for patients receiving hemodialysis for kidney disease. We take pride in providing personalized, high-quality healthcare through a multidisciplinary approach.

Our dialysis center also incorporates expert advice from counseling services, including physicians, dieticians, and other allied health professionals, to ensure our patients are in their right state of mind. For more information about our services, contact us today at 718-223-2100 or book your appointment online.

Despite rainy and humid weather outside, residents, family members and staff came out in droves for Four Seasons Nursing and Rehabilitation Center’s Family and Friends Day on Wednesday, July 25th. The day was set aside as a thank you to everyone for being part of the Four Seasons family.

The afternoon included games and competitions such as Hula Hoops, musical chairs, a dance-off and Hot Potato. Participants were awarded medals and trophies along with the honor of bragging rights. Guests were treated to cotton candy, face painting by Four Seasons’ Customer Service Coordinator Lisa Davis, music from DJ Derrick and various flavors of ice cream with all the fixings.

A special thank you goes to the Food Service Department for providing food for the afternoon such as hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, soda and water. Everyone had a great time and look forward to celebrating Family and Friends Day next year.

Four Seasons is located at 1555 Rockaway Parkway.

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