Our Companies

Qualifying for home care

is easier than you think

There are a lot of misunderstandings about home care and how to pay for it. So many in fact, that many people who could benefit from home care services never even apply for them and that’s a big mistake. Much of the misunderstanding comes from the fact that in New York State, home services like ours are paid for by Medicaid through a Managed Long Term Care company. Because of that, many people feel they won’t qualify, but the opposite is true. Almost everyone who comes to Four Seasons in need of home care can be qualified and enrolled. Don’t decide on your own. If you need home care, let our enrollment team make the necessary arrangements to get you qualified.

Medicaid access

Even people with personal assets can have access to Medicaid for their home care coverage. We work with elder-law attorneys and Medicaid consultants and together we can show you how to qualify for Medicaid without compromising the value of your estate.

Private Payment

Many clients of Four Seasons choose to pay for their home care privately. We’ll work with you to make those arrangements if you prefer.

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