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Four Seasons Celebrates Occupational Therapy Month

April was Occupational Therapy Month, and the Occupational Therapy Department at Four Seasons Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center, 1555 Rockaway Parkway, was operating at high energy as they joined together for a full month’s celebration of the wonderful profession!

Their slogan, “OTs Rock…We Just Do,” rang true. Collectively, the occupational therapists celebrated by offering education and prizes to the entire facility with trivia questions, raffles involving participation of both residents and staff, and spreading warm “thank yous” to all at the Four Seasons family for their collaboration and enthusiasm for OT and Rehab.

The buzz in the facility was energetic as the occupational therapists created lasting memories as they educated, entertained, enlightened and empowered each other as well as other staff members of the Four Seasons family.

OT Month 2019 was a great success, culminating on April 29th, with a marvelous table display and presentation. The occupational therapists proudly displayed various adaptive equipment and devices to increase patients’ independence with positioning, self-care tasks and quality of life, as well as offering various treats and fun items. The smiles and expressions throughout the facility said it all.

The Four Seasons Occupational Therapy staff promises to make next year’s monthly celebration even better because as this year’s slogan proclaimed, “OTs Rock…We Just Do!” A true and very appropriate statement indeed!!

Congratulations to the OT Dept at Four Seasons for a wonderful month of celebration and education!

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